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What can you and I do to help companies weather the global credit crunch?

The aim of this post is to start a conversation to share ideas rather than pitch Microsoft products. At a time of economic uncertainty it's in everyone's interest to help our business' to reduce their costs and improve profits.Please share suggestion via comments to this post or write your own and link to this one.

Much is made of the benefits of transformational technologies like server virtualisation to improve the efficiency of corporate infrastructure - without question these can be very valid though they typically require up front investment to cover software and services (whether internal our outsourced) to re-configure the infrastructure - the return is in the medium to long term.

I'm a big fan of making small but significant changes such as improving the effectiveness of remote working using technologies like webcams and devices like Roundtable in conjunction with LiveMeeting. What good devices and technologies have you come across that help in this and other spaces concerned with improving effectiveness?