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Today's ego boosts

PC World has just named Popfly one of the "25 Most Innovative Products of the Year"

WPF Unleashed has just been nominated for a 2007 Jolt Product Excellence Award, which recognizes "the most innovative, trend-making, ahead-of-the-curve products"

Obviously I'm really pleased and grateful about both of these developments, as both of these products have been a labor of love.  It feels like so little time has passed since Popfly was a team of two, and now we've got a nice-sized talented team (small by Microsoft's standards, of course) running full steam ahead.  And again I need to give credit to Neil Rowe at SAMS for the way we used color in WPF Unleashed, which no doubt is the most "innovative and trend-making" aspect of the book.  I work with some great people (and for a great company), which enables recognition like this to happen.

My wife is concerned that my head is no longer going to fit through the door. :)  It's too bad that when I do something differently than the way she expects it, she uses a different word than "innovative."